If you’re working with data a lot, it may occur that you need to convert currencies. The rates of currencies can change a lot over time. There is the possibility to Google the conversion rates and enter them manually in Google Sheets. However to keep up with all these currency changes not only costs a… Continue reading How to: Convert Currency in Google Sheets using =GOOGLEFINANCE()
Author: admin
How to: Detect languages in Google Sheet using =DetectLanguage()
You probably are already familiar with the GoogleTranslate function on Google Sheets. But did you also know that you are able to detect languages on Google Sheets? The language detection function works on cells or string in Google sheets. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to use the function. Usage To use the GoogleTranslate function… Continue reading How to: Detect languages in Google Sheet using =DetectLanguage()
How to: Translate languages in Google Sheet using GoogleTranslate
You’ll probably already know Google Translate, the most popular translation tool on the internet. Thanks to that application, it’s easier to communicate with people who don’t speak your language. However, did you know that Google Translate was also available in Google Sheets? It’s awesome. You can now translate words and sentences in bulk, with the… Continue reading How to: Translate languages in Google Sheet using GoogleTranslate
Use Google Sheets’ GoogleFinance function to import Stock Data
Google Sheets isn’t just a copy of excel anymore, it has some exciting extra functionalities Excel just hasn’t. One of them are Google Specific Formulas: Th GoogleFinance Function is one of them. This function allows you to import both real-time and historical, financial and currency market data straight into Google Sheets. This data comes from… Continue reading Use Google Sheets’ GoogleFinance function to import Stock Data
How to import Google Calendar Data into Google Data Studio
This article is about how to get your data from Google Calendar into Google Data Studio. If you’re already familiar with Google Data Studio, you probably already encountered the fact that there is no direct connection between Google Calendar and Google Data Studio. Luckily, that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. It takes just a few extra… Continue reading How to import Google Calendar Data into Google Data Studio
How to connect Google Sheets as a data source to Google Data Studio
In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to connect Google Sheets to Google Data Studio and how to use the data in your sheet as a source. It’s fairly easy to do since there is a direct connection between Google Sheets and Data Studio. This will only take a few steps, let’s get started! Connect Google… Continue reading How to connect Google Sheets as a data source to Google Data Studio
How to import Google Calendar Data into Google Sheets automatically
Welcome to this tutorial where you’ll learn how to import Google Calendar Data into Google Sheets. Are you looking for a way to only export Google Calendar Data? Check out our other blog post on how to do that. Before I automated my Google Calendar data, I used to manually export my calendar data as… Continue reading How to import Google Calendar Data into Google Sheets automatically